Hello, this is Argha!

🎒 I am a first year PhD student and NSF CSGrad4US fellow in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University in New York, advised by Prof. Itsik Pe’er and Prof. David Knowles. I received my Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University at College Station. During my undergraduate, I was advised by Prof. Yang Shen.

👓 My research involves machine learning implementation in Computational Biology. Previously I worked to detect inter protein contact using multi-modal data.

💻 After my bachelor’s, I worked at Texas Instruments, Dallas as Test/Product Engineer.

Teaching Assistant

  1. Experimental Physics and Engineering Lab II-Mechanics (Instructor: Prof. Anthony Cahill).
  2. Foundation of Engineering (Instructor: Michael Powell).


09/2023. Starting my PhD at Columbia University 🎉.
07/2023. Left Texas Instruments with great experiences and a lot of learnings.

12/2022. Does Inter-Protein Contact Prediction Benefit from Multi-Modal Data and Auxiliary Tasks? is accepted @ MLSB Workshop, NeurIPS’22.
08/2022. Got accepted for NSF CISE CSGrad4US fellowship which funds 3 years of my PhD.

06/2021. Starting my professional journey as a test engineer at Texas Instruments.
05/2021. Graduated from Texas A&M University with engineering honors and Magna Cum Laude.